At Hoteles Andaluces con Encanto we remain firm in our commitment to sustainability and care for the environment. Every day we strive to implement measures that reduce the environmental footprint in our hotels and restaurants, maintaining the highest standards in the experience that we want to offer our customers.

Less plastics

At HACE we are progressively eliminating plastic from our hotels, as part of our commitment to the environment and sustainable tourism, which has even led us to be recognized with prestigious environmental awards in the hotel sector.

Our hotels have withdrawn single-dose breakfast buffets to prioritize bulk products that avoid the use of plastic wrap. In addition, in the picnic and takeaway food we use paper bags, wooden cutlery, ecological napkins and cardboard wrappers, eliminating the plastic waste that is usually generated in this take away service for our customers.

They are a fundamental part of this change, so their collaboration is essential to ensure that plastics are no longer part of our services.


Environmental certification

The Hoteles HACE group has obtained the ISO UNE 14,001 certification for good environmental management and ISO UNE 9,001 for Quality for some of its hotels in Jerez and Rota, as a sign of its concern and continuous work to implement systems that respect the environment and work with the highest quality in all processes. The certifications have been granted by the certifying company SGS.

Specifically, the Duque de Nájera and Playa de la Luz hotels, in Rota, have obtained both certifications: the environmental one (ISO UNE 14,001) and the quality one (ISO UNE 9,001), while the Hotel Jerez & Spa and the Hotel Villa Jerez have achieved environmental certification (ISO UNE 14.001) In addition, the four hotels in the chain have different Ecostars certificates in recognition of policies in favor of environmental sustainability.


Energy measures

We can proudly say that the Hotel Jerez & Spa was the first in Jerez to have electric car charging points when this service was incorporated in April 2021, and this was reflected in the local media at the time.

In Rota, the Hotel Duque de Nájera and Hotel Playa de la Luz have also incorporated charging points for electric cars, as part of their commitment to the environment.

In addition, we are carrying out studies to incorporate, soon in our Hotels, photovoltaic panels for energy supply. Photovoltaic solar energy does not emit greenhouse gases, so it does not contribute to global warming. In fact, it is shown to be one of the most efficient renewable technologies in the fight against climate change.



Ecostars Certification

In our group we are in luck since our 4 hotels obtained the Ecostars certification. It is a specific sustainability certification for hotels that is granted by carrying out a study of the environmental impact per stay that a hotel has. This is evaluated based on the following axes: energy, water, CO2 footprint, recycling, products, sustainable food and finally the social sphere.


Organic garden and animation

In the facilities of the Hotel Playa de la Luz we have created an organic garden that allows the buffet to offer organic products for the preparation of some typical dishes of the area. This orchard has been cared for by the children who have been staying at our facilities during the summer season.


In addition, the animation team of the Hotel has in its program of activities some related to the environment, among others:

1.- Visit to the Mayetería Center.

In this place they show how crops were grown in the area, types of vegetables that are planted: tomatoes, pumpkins, etc., the tools that were used, the artisanal irrigation systems, etc.

2.- Visit to parks.

In the parks we can see our native plants, cataloged and distributed by area. We can also see, on some occasions, specimens of chameleons, a native and protected animal.

3.- Visit to the corrals and pine forests.

They are very old artisan fishing constructions distributed along the coast, which in Rota are next to the Playa de la Luz Hotel. It is a curious survival of the art of fishing from other times, which is still used on our coasts. There are eight artificial enclosures, surrounded by a kind of walls built with porous stones from the sea, called oyster stone, perfectly fitted together, in which seaweed and a conglomerate of mollusks, shells of others, oysters, and others Species that grow on the stones act as mortar, joining the stones together. When the tide rises, the enclosures are flooded with water and fish, and when the tide goes out, the water escapes between the stones, leaving the fish trapped inside, hence its name.

Environmental care measures

These are the main environmental care measures that we implement:

– Containment in the Production of Contaminating Residues or

environmentally degradable:

  • We renounce as far as possible the use of individual packaging in favor of bulk.
  • We prioritize the use of returnable glass instead of plastic.
  • We reduce, as far as possible, the use of “throwaway” products.
  • In “take away” products we use: Cardboard, recycled paper, wood or
  • bagasse
  • Plastic cups marked with the “Plastic in Product” logo to raise awareness
  • the consumer to reduce their consumption.
  • We do not consume toilet paper or colored napkins.
  • In some cases, current products will continue to be used until their
  • completion in our warehouses.

– Water supply and saving measures:

  • We change the towels and sheets selectively in the rooms according to
  • customers tell us.
  • We perform analytical control of drinking water and swimming pool.
  • The WC cisterns are partial discharge.
  • We use the drip irrigation system, as much as possible.
  • Native plants in our gardens to save water in irrigation.

– Flats and lingerie:

  • Both to clean the rooms and to wash clothes, we avoid
  • possible use of polluting products.
  • There are reducers on the faucets and showers in the toilet
  • We rationalized water consumption, especially in the Laundry, by not activating the
  • washing machines that are not completely filled with clothes.
  • We store cleaning and washing products in independent warehouses
  • without grids on the floor, in order not to pour them into the sewer in case of
  • spills.
  • The maids’ carts have colored bags to recycle the
  • urban waste.
  • Information and environmental activities:
  • We inform the Hotel staff of the convenience of these measures.
  • We also inform our valued customers and in some cases we ask
  • your collaboration.
  • We promote ecological excursions: Bicycles, visits to the corrals, pine forests with
  • explanations about the chameleon, etc.

Kitchens and Restaurants:

  • qooks wash vegetables in pans.
  • We use bulk products instead of individual servings, as long as we are
  • may be possible.
  • We promote the use of natural, fresh and seasonal products and if necessary
  • possible, produced in our area.
  • We include in all the menus regional or typical dishes of the place.
  • We offer vegetarian menus.

– Energy saving measures:

  • Energy-saving lamps in all public places and where possible
  • inside the rooms.
  • The rooms have a main switch for the electrical circuit
  • (except minibar).
  • There are automatic switches in public facilities that allow it.
  • Twilight lights in outdoor areas that are activated and deactivated with the
  • clarity.
  • We have solar energy to get the hotel’s hot water.
  • We ask guests and staff to collaborate in saving energy.
  • Example: When using the air conditioning or heating, close the doors and windows.

–           Beaches:

  • We have municipal beach cleaning.
  • In Rota there are no sewage discharges into the sea, since 100% of the
  • the same.

–           Business management:

  • q We check water and energy consumption per client and night of each one of
  • hotels to compare them with already established averages.
  • q We use non-polluting cleaning and gardening products as much as possible.
  • q The residual containers of cleaning products are managed, in their
  • most of it as municipal waste.
  • q We store waste in an independent place without a grid on the floor
  • contaminants.
  • q A specialized company deals with the removal of waste
  • contaminants.
  • q We fight mosquitoes with ecological pesticides.
  • q We have our own pastry production.
  • q We have an “Ecological Garden”, where children can see how they are grown
  • plants and provide ourselves with organic products. The end is that the children learn to take care of the plants and have them when they go to their places of origin.
  • Reduction of paper consumption throughout the Hotel by implementing the QR Code (Quick Response) in: Directory in Rooms, Letters of Restaurants and Bars etc.


HACE, committed to the environment

We have work teams in each hotel, which evaluate the different measures that can be implemented, carry out the necessary actions and are in charge of analyzing the results.


In short, at Charming Andalusian Hotels we care and take care to do our bit to care for the environment. We are aware of the repercussions of climate change and the environmental footprint that we are leaving, and our objective is to reduce the environmental impact of our activity as much as possible, maintaining excellence as a guide.

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Mejor precio garantizado

Con el programa «Mejor Precio Garantizado» Hoteles Andaluces con Encanto le asegura que las tarifas publicadas en nuestra web son las mejores online


  • Ha de tener reserva en uno de los hoteles de “Hoteles Andaluces con Encanto” realizada en, facilitándonos nº de confirmación.
  • En caso de detectar un precio inferior al publicado en la web debe hacérnoslo llegar a o llamando al 956 815 266.
  • El precio inferior encontrado debe poder reservarse on-line bajo las mismas condiciones que las realizadas en (fecha, tipo y número de habitación, régimen alimenticio, divisa y nº de personas).
  • La garantía hace referencia al precio final a pagar por el usuario para toda la estancia (incluyendo costes derivados de servicios, impuestos o gastos de gestión).
  • La garantía no se aplica en caso de errores de carga o publicación de los precios de otras webs.
  • La garantía no se aplica a precios no publicados o confidenciales, cualquier tipo de talonario, tarifas que formen parte de un paquete de viaje con otros servicios, tarifas para empresas, grupos, reuniones, etc. Mejor tarifa garantizada hasta la fecha de su llegada Si encuentra un mejor precio en nuestra web después de reservar, le igualamos el precio. No hay prepago de reserva No pague nada hasta el día de llegada al hotel. No se le realizará ningún tipo de cargo en la tarjeta de crédito hasta su llegada al hotel (Excepto temporadas de Eventos de cada hotel).


Si encuentra un mejor precio en nuestra web después de reservar, le igualamos el precio.



No pague nada hasta el día de llegada al hotel. No se le realizará ningún tipo de cargo en la tarjeta de crédito hasta su llegada al hotel (Excepto temporadas de Eventos de cada hotel).

Best Price Guarantee

With the programme “Best Rate Guaranteed” Hoteles Andaluces con Encanto assures you that the rates in are the best ones on-line.


  • The guarantee applies if you have a reservation in one of our hotels “Hoteles Andaluces con Encanto” made through We will check your confirmation number.
  • In case you see a lower rate on-line than the rate you booked through you have to let us know through or calling to 956 815 266.
  • The lower rate found on-line must be bookable on-line under the same conditions than the ones that you booked in (date, room type, same number of rooms, same food board, currency and number of persons).
  • The guarantee applies to the total price to be paid for the full stay, not to the price of one or several of the days included in that stay.
  • The guarantee applies to the final price to be paid for the full stay, including any service charges, taxes, management fees, handling fees or other charges.
  • The guarantee will not be applied in case of a wrong publication or error loading the rates by other websites. The guarantee will not be applied to confidential rates or not published, any kind of voucher, or rate belonging to a travel package with other services, corporate rates, groups, meetings, incentives…and so on.


If you see a better rate in our website after you booked, we match it.


Do not pay anything until the day of arrival at the hotel. No type of charge will be made to your credit card until your arrival at the hotel (Except the seasons of Events of each hotel).

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