If I asked you to name everything you love, how long would it take you to name yourself?There is another way of going through the days different from this constant state of restlessness, of noise, of not stopping that we have so normalised.How would you like to reserve a space

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Hunting days at Embarcadero Restaurant

If you are a meat lover you are in luck.  Starting next Friday, February 14 and until March 2, the Hunting Days will take place in our Embarcadero Restaurant.During those days you will have the opportunity to taste 6 new dishes whose main ingredient is game meat.Don’t hesitate and reserve

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New Mindfulness retreat at Hotel Playa de la Luz

Did you try it and want to repeat it or on the contrary do you want to live this new experience? Well, we are waiting for you at the Playa de la Luz hotel on January 25 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. to experience a Mindfulness retreat that you

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