Plans in the province of Cadiz to start 2023 by the best way

Plans in the province of Cadiz to start 2023 by the best way - HACE

It may seem that the months of January and February are among the least attractive on the travel calendar, but we assure you that, in the province of Cádiz, there are many leisure options to experience. Added to this is a mild climate with mild winters that allows you to enjoy outdoor activities most days. Do you want to know what to do in the province of Cádiz at the beginning of 2023? Here are some ideas.

When life is Carnival

February is the month of carnival; many of the Cadiz towns celebrate it to a greater or lesser extent, but we especially recommend two. On the one hand, the carnival of Rota, from February 18 to 26, with a multitude of events including the festival of groups, the coronation of the Carnival Mermaid and the Children’s Mermaid, the proclamation and the parade on Sunday. The entire Villa participates in these acts with their costumes displaying a carefree humor. And the other appointment, is how could it be otherwise, the carnival of Cádiz, declared of International Tourist Interest. The official program runs from February 16 to 26, but since January 21 the preliminaries of the Official Contest of Carnival Groups have been held at the Manuel de Falla Theater in Cádiz. Living the cante, the humor and the acid criticism of the groups live is an experience that you cannot miss. If you’re traveling with kids, take them to see the children’s group contest… they’ll have a blast!

Jerez and flamenco

Throughout the year Jerez is flamenco and flamenco is Jerez, but at the beginning of the year even more so. And it is that from February 24 to March 11 a new edition is celebrated, and there are already 27, of the Festival de Jerez. Shows, masterclasses and flamenco in any corner of the city, when you least expect it.

Lola Flores and Jerez

Without leaving Jerez, we have another interesting date at the start of 2023 with the great Lola Flores. And it is that, in February, on a date yet to be determined, the museum that is being built and that will house the legacy of this universal artist from Jerez will be opened to the public. A must on your next visit to the city.

Biker concentration in Rota

Are you a biker? You have an appointment on the first weekend of February with the XXXVIII Villa de Rota Biker Concentration, with which we collaborate again through the Hotel Playa de la Luz. Come and experience the special atmosphere of motorcycle lovers and a lot of activities related to the motor world.

A toast to 2023 with Cádiz wines

Another option to start the year off right is to do wine tourism in the province of Cádiz. On the one hand, the hundred-year-old wineries of Jerez will reveal all the secrets of the most international Jerez wines: fino, oloroso, palo cortado, cream and Pedro Ximénez. If you stay at one of our hotels, Hotel Jerez & Spa and Hotel Villa Jerez, don’t forget to ask us about all the options to visit the wineries.

On the other hand, go ahead and get to know some lesser-known wines in the world, but equally traditional and rooted in the culture of Cádiz: the tintilla de Rota, a type of wine that was on the verge of disappearing but that in recent years has been resumed with force. So that you can delve into the mysteries of the tintilla from Rota, there is nothing better than taking advantage of the “Rota and its wines” promotions at the Hotel Duque de Nájera or the Hotel Playa de la Luz.


To these plans in the province of Cádiz in January and February you can add the usual attractions of the rest of the year: walks along deserted and kilometer-long beaches, visits to the rich cultural and historical heritage, or taste the magnificent gastronomy of Cádiz in one of our restaurants in Jerez and Broken. Do you still have doubts about what to do in January and February in the province of Cádiz?

And remember that if you opt for early booking, you will get interesting discounts. Check conditions on our website!



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  • Si vous constatez un tarif inférieur en ligne à celui que vous avez réservé sur www.hace.es, vous devez nous le faire savoir via mejorpreciogarantizado@hace.es ou en appelant le 956 815 266.
  • Le tarif inférieur trouvé en ligne doit pouvoir être réservé en ligne dans les mêmes conditions que celles que vous avez réservées sur www.hace.es. (date, type de chambre, même nombre de chambres, même pension alimentaire, même devise et même nombre de personnes).
  • La garantie s’applique au prix total à payer pour le séjour complet, et non au prix d’un ou plusieurs des jours inclus dans ce séjour.
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