In Jerez and Rota there are always many places to visit, experiences to experience. Throughout the year they offer a multitude of activities for all ages and tastes, but in autumn there are some that you cannot miss and that we recommend:

1.A walk on the beach. Autumn is an ideal time to continue enjoying the beaches of Rota. The weather is still warm and pleasant, and a good walk along the coast of Rota will serve to recharge your batteries and say goodbye to stress and worries thanks to the relaxing views that are offered of the entire Bay of Cádiz. Do not forget to make a stop next to the Hotel Playa de la Luz in the Rota corrals. They are old artificial barriers created on the seashore to fish, which are currently a protected natural monument.

2.Autumn gastronomy. With the first cold weather comes spooning to Jerez and Rota. The warm dishes that make our soul and stomach happy, and that cannot be missed during your visit. The sherry cabbage and hot garlic are two must for you. In addition, in our restaurants you can find the tasty stew or the creamy and soupy rice dishes that we all associate with the cold days of late autumn and winter.

3.International Sherry Week. As usual, Jerez lives its wines and offers a multitude of wine tourism activities throughout the year, but in autumn there is an outstanding event: the International Sherry Week, which this year is celebrated from November 7 to 13. Hundreds of proposals to celebrate and share Sherry wines will flood the city, prepare your agenda now!

4.More wine tourism. Without leaving the proposals related to wine, autumn is a perfect time to explore the sea of ​​vineyards in the countryside of Jerez. Once the harvest is over, the vines are prepared for a new production period. In Rota, don’t forget to discover the cultivation of its famous tintilla, a type of native wine that will surprise you.

5.Bicycle routes. If you are a lover of cycle tourism, Jerez and Rota in autumn are for you. An ideal time of year to enjoy pleasant outdoor routes without enduring the intense heat of summer. The Playa de la Luz hotels in Rota and Jerez & Spa have the Bike Friendly and Cycling Friendly labels: they have the tools and materials to help you maintain your bike, and they also offer you a catalog of the best cycling routes around the province of Cadiz.

6.Heritage routes. In autumn it is a delight to walk through the historic centers of Rota and Jerez. Let yourself go and get to know all its rich heritage of palaces, churches, hidden squares with all the charm of past times and the fusion of ancient Christian, Muslim and Jewish cultures. In the case of Rota, all this wealth of heritage is located just a step away from the Hotel Duque de Nájera.

7.Rota Piano Week. Lovers of classical music have a must at the next edition of the Rota Piano Week, which will be held from November 13 to 20 and will have the Hotel Playa de la Luz as the stage. Masterclasses, concerts and a contest in which the young promises of classical music participate, arriving from all corners of the world.

8.The zambombas of Jerez. And a little later in the fall, from the end of November to December 24, the Jerez zambombas. Festivities that began centuries ago in neighbors’ patios, where the typical flamenco carols of Jerez were sung and danced, and which have now become the perfect prelude to Christmas. Do not miss any of the many public or private zambombas that flood Jerez with their joy, singing and dancing until dawn in the final stretch of autumn. And then, relax in the silence and peace that Hotel Villa Jerez transmits.

9.Trails of Rota. If you like a little more relaxed plans, you will love this one. Walking the coastal paths of Rota in autumn is a delight. Especially the pine forests located almost at the foot of the beach, where you can come across one of the many chameleons that populate the area. And it is that Rota is the Spanish city with the most population of these reptiles that are in danger of extinction and that are totally peaceful and harmless.

10.Plans on horseback. And another outdoor plan taking advantage of the mild autumn weather: a horseback route through the rural surroundings of Jerez or Rota. Without forgetting other plans related to the world of horses, especially the visit to the show “How Andalusian horses dance” at the Royal Andalusian School of Equestrian Art, based in Jerez.

Have you been wanting more? Ask at any of our hotels and we will be happy to offer you the best leisure proposals for your visit to Jerez and Rota.



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